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Live Love Laugh
NMN 15000 90粒

リブ ラブ ラフ エヌエムエヌ 15000


Agreement of Subscription

This is a subscription product that delivers products monthly.
Your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you cancel your subscription.
Please read conditions below and check the check box for agreemnt.

Frequency of delivery Every Month
Volume of content Live Love Laugh NMN 15000 x1 case (90 capsules)
If you wish to receive more than one case per month, please change the quantity of items purchased.
Monthly Billed Amount \36,720 including tax (This item cannot be shipped out side of Japan)
The amount will be debited at the time of shipment.
Minimum Number of Continuations 3 Times
Time of second and subsequent payments Payment will be due every month after the date of purchase
(If purchased on April 10, payment will be dued May 10, June 10...)
About Cancellation Cancellation procedures can be made from My Page after the third delivery.
If you are not a member, you can access the procedure from the e-mail sent by "Check your subscription" in the login page.
(If your purchased date was on April 10: The third payment is due on June 10, so you can cancel anytime after June 11. *Cancellation can be made until the day before the next payment date.)
Exchange/Returns Not available
(except for defective products and deliveries error)
International Shipping Since this is Non-exportable goods, international shipping is not available.
(Please note that we will cancel the order even if the order is placed from a country where shipping is available)


I have read and agree to all the terms of the agreement.

Please read the conditions above and check the check box for agreement

Regular price
Regular price
Sale price




NMNはヒトだけでなく、動植物などにも含まれ、野菜などにも含有されていますが、毎日の食事で必要量を摂るのは困難(約100mgのNMNを摂取換算すると、ブロッコリーなら9kg、枝豆なら5kg)。そのためNMNはサプリメントでの摂取が効果的とされ、ヘルス&ビューティ分野で注目が集まっています。様々なNMNサプリメントが登場するなか、「Live Love Laugh NMN 15000」に配合しているNMNは、酵母発酵法によりつくられた安心の国産成分です。



How to use


If you are looking for a regular sale item, please purchase from the link below.
≫Live Love Laugh NMN 15000


Live Love Laughs

Smile a lot, love with all your heart, live your own life.
All you need is a healthy and relaxed body and mind to support it

We have created an original supplement containing "NMN," which has been widely talked about for its anti-aging action.

This supplement contains many ingredients that work on female hormones, and is like a "good-luck charm" that improves the mental and physical discomfort you feel in your daily life and makes you feel positive.

NMN is an abbreviation for "beta-nicotinamide mononucleotide," an ingredient found in vegetables, meat, and seaweed, which we consume on a daily basis, and a member of the vitamin B3 group.
As NMN is taken into the body, it is converted into NAD, a substance essential for energy production. It has been shown that the amount of NMN in the body decreases with age, and it is said that a decrease in NAD causes aging of physical and cognitive functions.
In order to achieve a healthy body, it is necessary to increase coenzyme (NMN), which is a precursor to increase NAD, and therefore, it is recommended to actively take NMN as a supplement.

Live Love Laugh" contains not only NMN, but soy isoflavone (which is known as phytoestrogen), placenta, coenzyme Q10, resveratrol, dolomite, and iron, a total of six selected beauty ingredients.
We have focused on combining many ingredients that work on female hormones, and have aimed to create a dietary supplement that can alleviate symptoms of menopause and show effects on beautiful skin.


Take as a nutritional supplement.


Take 3 capsules per day with water or hot water. 3 capsules per day provides 500mg of NMN.

*One bottle is supposed to be enough for one month.


-Store away from high temperature, high humidity and direct sunlight.
-If you feel unwell after taking, please reduce the amount or discontinue use.
-If you are taking medication or visiting the hospital, please consult with your doctor before consumption.
-Pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children should not take this product.
-Do not overdose. (Be careful not to use in combination with other specified health foods containing isoflavones, etc.)
-Please consume as soon as possible after opening.
-Keep out of reach of infants.
-Slight differences in taste and color may occur depending on the production lot, but there is no problem with quality.
-This product contains 28 specified raw materials and other allergenic substances. Please check the ingredients and do not consume this product if you have any food allergies.
-The expiration date is indicated on the bottom of the package.

content by volume  39.6g
 One Grain Weight: 440mg
(Volume in a grain370mg)×90 grains 
country of origin  Japan
Size  Case  115×60×60 mm
All Ingredients beta-nicotinamide mononucleotide (manufactured in Japan), starch, zinc-containing yeast, soybean extract, coenzyme Q10, trans-resveratrol, placenta extract, dolomite/HPMC, ferric pyrophosphate, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, (some contain soy or pork)

1. 送料について


2. 交換・返品について


3. カート内の商品ついて

